
Sydney Fringe Comedy Festival Rebrand


In 2018, Sydney Fringe Comedy Festival rebranded. As a festival existing to give platform for smaller acts, or to trial new work for established artists, the new brand aimed to more authentically reflecting the ‘work-in-progress’ nature of the participating artists.

Additionally, the rebrand aimed to highlight the experience for the punters by highlighting the Festival’s appeal – good food, good drinks, and a good time.

The Logo

Sydney Fringe Comedy Festival’s logo is updated annually, seen here in event signage.


The key art developed for the campaign uses unpolished illustrations of key aspects of the event and host. Each illustration is a small vignette, which can be organised together to form a ‘comic’s comic’. Additionally, each illustration has an alternate that can be used in animations.

Festival Posters

The primary poster campaign was designed to advertise the festival as a whole.

Printed Program Guide

The printed program guide was the primary source of free advertising for participating acts. It included event listings, calendars and ads.

Website & Social Media

The Festival’s website was re-skinned with the new brand elements, and matching social media post templates were designed for digital ads.

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