
Graphic Design for Sydney & Perth Comedy Festival

graphic Design, Print Design & Signage Design, 2018-2021

Throughout my time as the Graphic Designer for Sydney Comedy Festival and Perth Comedy Festival, I was able to work on a variety of deliverables.

Working across the 2018-2021 festivals, my main design responsibilities included branding for festival sub-brands, designing printed program guides, outdoor signage, digital content, video content and more. Below is a collection of my favourite outcomes.

Program Guide Design

Designing the Festival Program Guide was the largest project each year. Each program contained a variety of event advertisements (many of which I designed), program listings and calendars. Ranging from 40 – 80 pages per guide, I was responsible for the layout design and typesetting for every page.

Outdoor Signage & Wayfinding Design

Each Festival required different outdoor signage items to be produced each year. These outcomes ranged from street advertisements, to venue posters, to wayfinding signage. I worked very closely with venues and distributors to facilitate the delivery and production of each item.

Festival Sub Brands

Festival sub-brand Design

Each Festival would host internally produced events and galas to open and close the festivals. To brand these festivals, I’d create logos and visuals that represented annual themes. Most projects included animated screen slides present during the shows (as seen above), and digital and printed advertising.

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